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Sixth Form Admissions

Thank you for taking an interest in Lagan College’s Sixth Form. We are delighted to work with over 300 students each year, in support of their study of 3/4 or more A levels from an exciting menu of 28 subject areas, comprising of General and Applied A levels, Level 3 BTecs and Level 3 Cambridge Technicals.

Jul 2024
Sixth Form Options Booklet 2024-2026
Jul 2024
Sixth Form External Application Form

For a fuller appreciation of what we can offer, please see our Sixth Form Prospectus.

Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Grant, our Senior Teacher in charge of Sixth Form Pastoral Care & Wellbeing & Admissions on 0289040 1810 or

Year 12 Internal Student Applications to Sixth Form

Students whose applications are submitted by the school deadline, 1 March 2024, can make free choices of subjects. The timetable will then be created based on the majority demands and subjects will run based on there being a viable number. Those students who apply after the deadline will have to make choices based on the timetable structure that has been set up.

All students, except those studying 4 AS subjects, are expected to participate in enrichment activities.

Any student, who has not attained a minimum of a grade C in either Maths or English Language, is expected to resit during Year 13 to improve their grade. Students who decide to change their choices on receipt of their GCSE results must be aware that their new choices can only run if the timetable structure can facilitate this.

Sixth Form students are expected to display exemplary behaviour, attendance, undertake service and act as exemplary role models to the younger students.

External Student Applications to Sixth Form

We invite any external candidates and their families interested in attending Sixth Form to our Sixth Form Information Evening on Wednesday 21  February 2024 from 4.30pm-5.30pm.

Lagan College welcomes applications for entry in Sixth Form from students from other schools if they are able to fulfil the admissions criteria, there are places available within the College’s admission numbers, and places are available in their AS subject choice.

We especially welcome students from schools where there is no Post-16 provision or where their school does not offer a course they wish to undertake. We also look favourably at applications from students coming from other integrated schools.

All external students should be able to provide, a copy of their GCSE predicted results, if applying prior to 27 June 2024 or a copy of their GCSE results once received in August, the details of a teacher from whom we can obtain a reference and a copy of their last report and attendance record. Applications from external candidates should be emailed to Mrs L. Grant – Head of Sixth Form (Pastoral) here or posted to the school for the attention of Mrs L Grant.

Entrance Requirements for Year 13 - 2024

  1. Students must have a Grade C in either English Language, English Literature or Mathematics.
  2. Students should have a minimum of 5 GCSE /BTEC Level 2 passes A* to C.
  3. Students with the highest GCSE score – will be considered in descending order – an applicant’s GCSE score being calculated on the basis of GCSE results as follows:
GCSE A* 9 BTEC Distinction* 5 Points
GCSE A 8 BTEC Distinction 4 Points
GCSE B 7 BTEC Merit 3 Points
GCSE C* 6 BTEC  Pass (Some Merit units) 2 Points
GCSE C 5,4 BTEC  Pass 1 Point


  1. Students wishing to take 4 A Levels should have a minimum of 7 GCSE passes A* to C (at least one of which must be in English or Maths) and a minimum of 32 points in total.
  2. All A Levels have specific entrance requirements. Please see subject specific pages for exact requirements for each subject within our Sixth Form Prospectus.
  3. All students wishing to enter Sixth Form should have a minimum attendance rate of 93% and a good punctuality record. Students whose attendance rate falls below this level must produce medical evidence/special circumstances to explain their absences.
  4. Students wishing to enter Year 13 must have a good behaviour record and should have demonstrated a positive attitude to work. External applicants will be expected to provide their last school report/attendance figure  and/or a letter of recommendation from their previous school.
  5. Students wishing to enter Year 13 should be prepared to make a commitment to participate fully in the daily running of the school and able to support our integrated ethos and values.
  6. Students with an exceptional circumstance may apply to the Board of Governors for this to be considered.
  7. As a prerequisite to joining Year 13, all Year 13 students must attend the college’s Open Day on Saturday 20 January 2024 8.45-12.30pm to support as Tour Guides or in subject departments.

Parents should note how the Department of Education will, in response to a school’s request, increase the school’s enrolment number in order to allow an extra post-16 pupil to enrol. DE will first check whether there is another school or schools of a type suitable for that pupil within an hour’s journey of where the pupil lives. If there is, DE will then check whether this other school or schools with places available may provide all of the post-16 courses that the pupil wishes to pursue. If these checks find that no other suitable school may provide all of the post-16 courses that the pupil wishes to pursue – then DE will agree a school’s request for an extra place.

Entrance Requirements for Year 14 - 2023

Students must continue with at least 3 subjects into A2, ideally with strong grades.  However, gaining a pass in each subject (Grade E or above) does allow students to return to Year 14 to study at A2.  Students attaining D and E grades across all subjects will be required to attend a Learning Review interview prior to returning.

Students who fail a subject (Grade U) will be unable to return to Year 14 unless there are exceptional circumstances, for example, personal illness or trauma within the family. The College must have been informed of these circumstances at the time they occur, this is the responsibility of the parent/carer of the student. However, at the time of receiving their results a guidance interview and pastoral support will be available to discuss future options, this must also be attended by parents/carers.

Student whose attendance has been a serious concern, below 93% in Year 13 will also be required to attend for an interview. In these cases, there will be no guarantee of readmission to Year 14.

Students wishing to enter Year 14 should also have a good record of good punctuality and exemplary behaviour.