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Collaboration with Swedish Politics students

Our Year 14 Politics class have been taking part in a collaboration with our Swedish partner school Falu Fri this week. Falu Fri school visited our school to engage in planning and preparation workshops in advance of hosting an international Model United Nations event in February 2024. 12 of our intrepid Politics students will be selected to travel to Sweden to participate, along with school representatives from a number of other European countries.

This is a unique and exciting opportunity to travel abroad to participate in an international event, to develop essential skills of communication, negotiation, advocacy, diplomacy and conflict resolution, and to gain a greater understanding of geo-politics, as well as engaging with people from different countries and cultures.

Our Politics students have certainly risen to the challenge this week, participating enthusiastically, articulately and passionately in a practice Mock UN role play on behalf of randomly allocated, adopted countries. Jack Murray’s impassioned lobbying on behalf of the People’s Republic of China, for example, will surely have earned him honorary citizenship!

It has been a privilege to host our Swedish friends this week, and they have spoken very genuinely about the friendly welcome they have come to expect in both Lagan and in Northern Ireland more generally. We look forward to visiting them in Sweden in the new year and are excited to be part of this very worthwhile project, as part of our ongoing exchange collaboration with Falu Fri. 🇸🇪

Mr F McGuckin, Head of Politics

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